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Singing Safely

We follow guidelines national guidelines and all local regulations for gathering to sing.
The guidelines for people to attend our first rehearsal are shown below.

VACCINATIONS:  With time, it is our hope that we might be able to advertise our ensemble as 100% vaccinated. In webinars providing guidance about the transition to in person rehearsing and performing, it has been STRONGLY recommended that organizations advertise their vaccination rate so singers and audience will be encouraged by the safe environment that is being provided. Of course, even a 100% vaccination rate is not a 100% guarantee against infection. Therefore, in the Google link below, we will be asking every singer attending a non-electronic (in person) rehearsal to complete and submit the GCS COVID-19 Waiver Agreement.


REQUIREMENTS for ATTENDANCE:  We would like to have a list of attendees prior to the rehearsal. Only those singers who are fully vaccinated and have accepted the Waiver Agreement should attend. There are still COVID variants in the air, thousands of people have been infected, compromised or died, so it is imperative that we take every possible measure to ensure safety. The aerosolizing aspect of singing…even outside…can be problematic and we are implementing the recommendations of the CDC and guidelines provided by the ACDA (American Choral Directors Association). To indicate your participation, simple click on the GOOGLE LINK below, complete the information requested, and submit.  If you have any difficulties with the link, please contact Wendy Dziurzynski at  To access the GOOGLE LINK, click on the following link or copy and paste the link in your browser URL:


MASK and SOCIAL DISTANCING:  It is required that you wear a mask at all times. Additional information on masks is provided below in an addendum. Also, all chairs must be spaced a minimum of 6-10 feet apart, or more if desired…front, back, left and right. Some chairs will be pre-set when you arrive. Simply follow the same pattern of the pre-set chairs if you bring your own chair or if more chairs need to be put out. Having a firm number of attendees will help us organize proper social distancing in advance of the rehearsal.


We are ALL looking forward to seeing many masked faces and hearing many masked voices on Saturday. Thanks, in advance, to your attention to these details for successful rehearsing.




You may want to order a singer’s mask and several options are provided below.  There are several mask designs that you can find in drug stores, etc. which protrude and provide a bit of “air space” between your mouth and the mask.  Most K95 masks are pretty good, but some of the singers’ masks are even better. 


1.  One option is to purchase a Singers mask through the Broadway Relief Project. I believe purchase price includes a small donation for all the unemployed Broadway musicians.


2.  The mask mentioned above, and others similar to it, can be found on Amazon.  If you simply do a search for “singer masks for choir” within Amazon, you will see options for K95 masks (caution, these seem to be sold in bulk), and a couple of other versions of singer masks including the Broadway Relief Project mask.


3.  Finally, Sandra Lundgren’s group in the mid-west is using the mask in the pictures below.  One of the jpegs also includes ordering information from ETSY. (

wearing a mask.jpg
mask instructions.jpg
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